Apply for a live performance!

Applications for a showcase at the IKF 2026 will be possible again in April 2025.

Key dates for the IKF 2025 at a glance

April                  Opening of the application portal for all fields
03 June    Deadline for applications, performing arts & music
JuneSelection committee sessions, performing arts & music
JulyNotification of artists regarding acceptance or rejection, performing arts & music
13 SeptemberDeadline for applications, theater in public space (performances & walk acts)
SeptemberSelection committee session, theater in public space
OctoberNotification of artists regarding acceptance or rejection, theater in public space
Late OktoberAnnouncement of performance schedule

Save the date 2026

The International Kulturbörse Freiburg 2026 will take place from 26 to 28 January 2026.
