
Ass-Dur QUINT-ESSENZAss-Dur, these are Dominik Wagner & Florian Wagner, two men - two brothers - two musicians. Can you play piano four-handed, and violin also four-handed? And even at the same time? Ass-Dur can do. In QUINT-ESSENZ the two brothers combine musical virtuosity with high-class entertainment. They fascinate with piano music, singing and comedy at its best. With Ass-Dur everything is possible and of course the two never sing from the same hymnal. Their hearts beat for the music and so they bring together classical music with pop songs and twelve-tone music with funk. The audience sometimes listens devoutly and sometimes claps along. These two brothers are gifted in music, funny and quick-witted. “A high-quality mixture of virtuoso music and high-grade nonsense.” (Frankenpost)
Musical Cabaret
Stage language/s:
HERBERT Management
23. January 2023
11:30 - 11:50
Showcases Performing Arts
Performing Arts Theatre 2