Felice & Cortes

Selling Stories
There are musicians who open our hearts and then blow us away; there are artists who overwhelm us with wonder; there are stories beyond words, taking us to other fantastic worlds. And then there are artists knowing how to do all of that at once. Just like Felice & Cortes, the Berlin duo that combines music with artistry in a unique mix. Selling Stories is the tale of two wayfarers, collecting stories to take them out into the world and pass them on by using music, show and circus arts With their wheeled drum-podium and self built mobile scenery the duo makes for a real eye catcher on every open air event. This extraordinary street show has been acclaimed in whole Europe & in America. The audience holds its breath! For Cortes Young juggles his sticks and plays drums simultaneously. While soulful singer Felice causes goosebumps with her tender but powerful voice. MUST SEE! MUST HEAR!
Artistry, Juggling, Musical Theatre, Variety Show
Stage language/s:
German, English
Felice & Cortes
25. January 2023
13:30 - 13:50
Showcases Street Theatre
Selling Stories
Street Theatre Central Foyer / Foyer