Ladri di sogni

Argentina, Italy, Switzerland
The thieves of dreams
Freely inspired by
"A Midsummer Night's Dream"
by William ShakespeareShow born 2017 at the LAC Lugano
in cooperation with the Orchestra
della Svizzera ItalianaSeen by more than 12’000 spectatorsThe fabulous story of Fairy and Phyto , 2 characters who live in the world of dreams.
As they are caught stealing dreams by the entity that created them our greedy characters are expelled and doomed to live in the real world….. there is much to discover…A dreamlike show full of comedy where the poetry of the mime intertwines with the cunning destined to fail, typical of clown comedy; in a poetic context, where shadows open the gaze to a magical world sometimes distant ... but always present in each of us.At the end of their journey our heroes learn that dreams can change the world if they are shared.
Physical Theatre, Clown Theatre, Mime
Stage language/s:
, Nonverbal
Ladri di Sogni
23. January 2023
12:00 - 12:20
Showcases Performing Arts
The thieves of dreams
Performing Arts Theatre 2