
Serben sterben langsam
How do we, the Serbs, integrate ourselves, a nation whose image has been badly tarnished since the Emperor's murder and Srebrenica, in a country like Austria, whose history teachers report on this very Emperor's murder with unrelenting shock?Malarina invites us to a history lesson from Sarajevo to Ibiza and deals with the painful loss of HC Strache in "Serbs Die Slowly". The path of the Serbian guest workers led via Integration Classic to Assimilation 1.0 out of fear of Haider. Out of love for HC Strache came the upgrade to Assimilation 2.0 - Edition including Xenophobia and Islamophobia extended version.But how should it go on for us Serbs without HC Strache?
Comedy, Cabaret
Stage language/s:
zentrale. Büro für Kulturmanagement & Kommunikation
23. January 2023
11:30 - 11:50
Showcases Performing Arts
Serben sterben langsam
Performing Arts Theatre 1