Teresa Reichl

Obacht, i kann wos!
She is eloquent, she is Lower Bavarian and she can do a lot of things. That's what cabaret artist Teresa Reichl provocatively claims in the title of her debut program. She painfully takes apart others, but above all herself. Teresa Reichl questions herself and her audience without fear of not finding answers. She has taken her village life with her into the city, the classic gender roles with her into emancipation, and is in the process of finding out how to live as a feminist, a ramp sow, a student, a woman and a village child - and who actually has a right to tell her what to do?
Stage language/s:
Agentur Zweigold
23. January 2023
14:00 - 14:20
Showcases Performing Arts
Obacht, i kann wos!
Performing Arts Theatre 2