
„Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies; one heart living in two souls.“ Aristotle said.
Being free, many times, is not about breaking the bonds but about living together with them While trying to do so, life repeats in an echo that resonates in the walls of heads and hearts This is the recurring nightmare of two comedians trapped on stage ymedioteatro presents its most personal and vibrant proposal. Playing around is the origin of the creation, with no modesty, no fear, for all and with all: the puppets, the objects, the scenery, the lighting, the emotions, the music and the movement. A dance of visual metaphors for a comic show which talks about the poetry that binds us to life.
Clown Theatre, Puppetry, Object Theatre, Mime, Visual Comedy
Stage language/s:
, Nonverbal
YMedio Teatro
24. January 2023
11:00 - 11:20
Showcases Performing Arts
Performing Arts Theatre 1