Mikail Karahan

A circus performance with Cyr wheel and red socks - Created and performed by Mikail Karahan:The feeling of being too late, too late to react. The seconds which decides whether you manage to absorb and catch yourself, or which leads to fall and shock. The sensation of unbalancing yourself, bringing yourself to the physical edges. Here you have to react fast enough. If not, you might lose control.These feelings are physical defining. These senses are real.With iT SOCKS! Mikail created a performance dedicated to the “feeling of being to late”. Between imbalance and possible falls he is challenging his physical boundaries. For the act "IT SOCKS" Mikail is awarded the “Annie-Fratellini" prize at the 40th "Festival Mondiale du Cirque de Demain" in Paris and receives 2021 the main prize "Golden Star" at the circus festival Young-Stage in Basel.
Acrobatics, Cirque Nouveau, Clown Theatre, Variety Show
Stage language/s:
, Nonverbal
Compagnie Wurst
23. January 2023
13:30 - 13:50
Showcases Street Theatre
Street Theatre Central Foyer / Foyer