Book your stand!

You can now book your stand at the Internationale Kulturbörse Freiburg 2025 (January 20 - 22, 2025) in our Online Service Center (OSC). Please note that your old login data will no longer work. You have to register anew in the Online Service Center.

Book your stand now

After successful registration you will receive a confirmation Link by e-mail (please also check you spam folder). Once you have confirmed your registration, you can log in to the OSC, where you will see two options (events) for the IKF 2025 under the year 2025. To book your stand, please select the event Internationale Kulturbörse Freiburg 2025 - Exhibitor. 

Please make sure to read our conditions of participation beforehand.

Save the date 2026

The International Kulturbörse Freiburg 2026 will take place from 26 to 28 January 2026.
