Melanie Haupt
Melanie Haupt
Germany, France
Hauptsache Theater - Politisch motivierter Swing
The theater is the best place in the world. Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of social gathering. Yes, well, in the beginning we still sat around the campfire, and okay, the fire is difficult today because of all the fire safety regulations, but the principle is still the same! There are simply things that are perfect. Like the theater. And the fern! We can really learn from the theater and the fern! And swing music! It immediately puts me in a good mood. That's why I've combined the political issues that concern me with swing music. Because we absolutely mustn't lose humor in these challenging times! Accompanied by the wonderful musician Jonathan Bratoëff on guitar and bass, we are swinging in the best place in the world: the theater...
Stage language/s:
Haupt & Jakob
20. January 2025
12:25 - 12:45
Hall 3
Hauptsache Theater - Politisch motivierter Swing
Hall 3